
WHAT?! North Korea Conducts a Largest Nuclear Test Ever, Possibly Hydrogen, Trump Woken, Waiting For Address to Nation

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake was detected in North Korea and authorities have determined that it was cause by a nuclear test. The magnitude of the earthquake cause by the explosion is greater than from any of the previous test, leading officials to believe it may have been a hydrogen bomb test.

Kim Jong-Un was recently show inspecting a warhead that North Korea state run news depicted as being a hydrogen bomb. This is the 6th nuclear. test the regime has conducted.

Seismic activity in North Korea suggests the country just conducted its sixth nuclear test.

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake, according to bot the U.S Geological Survey and the China earthquake administration, was detected in North Korea Sunday, just hours after North Korea revealed what it claim is a thermonuclear device, specifically a hydrogen bomb.

USGS Confirmed that this as a surface-level event, and the South Korean military has determined that this was an artificial earthquake, indicating a nuclear test. The Japanese foreign ministry has confirmed that North Korea conducted sixth nuclear test at around noon on Sunday, September 3.

The fifth nuclear test, which the North Koreans conducted in September of last year, produced seismic data resembling a 5.3 magnitude earthquake. The nuclear device tested at the time had an alarming explosive yield of roughly 10 to 30 kilotons. Assuming North Korea just conducted another nuclear test, the explosive yield is almost certainly much higher than the last.

To generate seismic data resembling 6.3 magnitude earthquake, North Korea would need to test a substantial staged thermonuclear bomb, according to renowned arms expert Jeffrey Lewis.

If North Korea tested the device revealed earlier, the North Korean nuclear crisis is about to get significantly more complicated.

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